WIP Wednesday: A Pinwheel and A Confession

Alas! ‘Tis Wednesday! The day set aside for Works In Progress to be revealed to the masses. The day designated for linking up with fellow crafters at yonder site known as “Small Things.” The day for reckoning just what I have and have not accomplished over the past seven days.

The Hook


Not much progress on the Magnum Opus this week. I’ve been focused elsewhere. Loving Threads (my church knitting/crocheting/quilting group) is this Saturday, so I’m planning on bringing my afghan to work on. I’ll try to get some pictures this meeting and tell you a bit about our little group.


The Book


Book? Book? I know not this word.

In all seriousness, any reading I’ve done this week has really been in blogs. I’ve been catching up on the blogs in my blog roll, which I just remembered I need to actually create here.


I’ve pretty much given up on reading Bonhoeffer. I’m just finding that I’m not all that interested right now. I think I liked the idea of reading it along with the book club, but, in reality, it started feeling more like an assignment than a choice. Weird, I know. I was like that in school, too. If it was my idea, I was all over it. But, if it was an assignment, it was drudgery. I’m sure this book will tickle my fancy at some point. Right now, I’m trying not to let these little feelings of guilt settle in for not reading it. I’ve been talking about not reading it for a month!

The Needles

Now here is where my focus has been!

I’ve been working on the Pinwheel Blanket that I mentioned last week, and I’m very nearly done. I worked the blanket until there were 30 stitches in each wedge section, and now I’m knitting a seed stitch ruffle as the edging. The ruffle is created by knitting into the front and back of every stitch, thus doubling the number of stitches. So, what was once a 300 stitch edge is now a 600 stitch edge! I had to switch to my 60 inch cable to accommodate all those stitches, and it feels like it takes an eon to knit a round.  I know the end result will be great, though, so it’s certainly worth it! I should be done by the weekend. I’m trying to beat Little One’s arrival.


To give myself a bit of a break, and my thumb a rest from purling, I knitted up a quick little hat for Little One and started another. I don’t think I mentioned it in the last post, but Little One’s gender isn’t known, thus the “neutral” colors. I think the little red hat is rather Christmas-y, don’t you?


I also got a few more rounds done on the sock in my purse while visiting my parents this past weekend.

I think that concludes my progress report for this week. What are you reading or working on? Join the Yarn Along, or tell me in the comments. I’d love to know!

Have a great Wednesday!


7 thoughts on “WIP Wednesday: A Pinwheel and A Confession

  1. Pingback: In The Wee Hours: Aching Hearts, Rejoicing Hearts, and a Wordless One | Slender Threads

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