W.I.P. Wednesday: Magical and Mundane

The Hook

Back in December, I think, I purchased a crochet “block-a-month” kit from Annie’s Kit Clubs. This one is the Coastal Sampler Afghan. Each month, I get yarn and instructions for three blocks. I am currently working on block 9 of 30. I don’t tend to crochet much, so this sampler is stretching my brain a bit. I’ve gotten stuck on a few of the blocks, including this current one. However, that was the whole idea of doing this sampler afghan. I wanted to learn some new stitches and expand my skills. My goal was to be done when I receive the final piece of instructions, but I’m quite behind in that regard.

The Book

Currently, I am listening to Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi on Audible. I am loving this book! I started listening to it quite some time ago, but seemed to only listen to it in the car on long drives. I’ve got to change that! The story “follows heroine Zélie Adebola as she attempts to restore magic to the kingdom of Orïsha, following the ruling class kosidáns’ brutal suppression of the class of magic practitioners Zélie belongs to, the maji” (from Wikipedia). The world created by Adeyemi is beautiful and complex, but also anchored in reality. For example, Lagos, the capital of Orïsha, is actually a city in Nigeria, and the sacred language spoken by the Maji clans is Yoruba. I am also thoroughly enjoying the narration by Bahni Turpin. She does a beautiful job giving the different characters different personalities through their voices.

After I started listening to this book, I purchased this Barnes & Noble exclusive edition. The inside artwork is stunning!

I started reading Children of Blood and Bone as part of a Bookstagram representation challenge I’m doing. Wanna join me? So far, I’ve only ticked off a couple boxes, but I have a long “To Be Read” list for the rest of them. I’m open to suggestions as well.

The Needles

That’s it. That’s all you’re getting. It’s a shawl, and it’s a gift. It’s taking far longer than it should. No spoilers.

See you next Wednesday!

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