WIP Wednesday: a Color Kabob and a Teaser

Welcome to Wednesday! This week is launch week for my friend Tara’s new bookbook, Embracing The Body! I’m so excited for her! The book’s official release date is this Friday, March 13. In celebration I’ll be interviewing her on the blog that day. I do hope you’ll come back and learn more about Tara and her passion for wholeness. If you have any questions for Tara, let me know in the comments.

In the mean time, it’s WIP Wednesday and time for the link-up at Small Things. I’ve been pretty busy this week!


The Hook

I’ve made a bit of progress on the squares for my Magnum Opus. The official count is 28 squares.


When February turned to March, decided that it was time I changed the decorations outside my front door.  I took down my Winter berry garland and exchanged my snowman doormat for a more Springy one. But, Oh! Does my door look plain now! That must be remedied! So, I started a flower garland using this pattern. I’m trying to somewhat match the colors to my doormat, which is fairly bright.


I wound up with this cute little kabob of color.


I wasn’t intending to make a rainbow, and I may not use all of those colors (not sold on the orange), but they sure are pretty all together like that. I think I need a few more flowers as these are smaller than my bunting triangles and stars.



The Book


Oh my stars! This book! I’m loving it, but I have to admit that I haven’t gotten very far. For me, this book is wonderfully thought-provoking, and I find that I want to read a bit and let it marinate before reading more. The last chapter I read really got me (in a good way) and I had to do some processing before moving on. Processing that may find itself here on the blog. It really is a good book, and I reccomend it highly. But, as LeVar Burton used to say, you don’t have to take my word for it:



The Needles

I’m continuing to make progress on Lexie’s new bloom. I’m into the third diamond lace repeat. It should easily be done by her birthday in two weeks. I can’t believe she’ll be one in just two weeks!


I also cast on a bit of “TV knitting” in the form of these fingerless mitts. I’m just about to the thumb on the first mitt.



That about concludes this edition of WIP Wednesday. Please do come back on Friday for my chat with Tara.

Have a great day!


WIP Wednesday: More Than I Can Chew?

It’s the wee hours of Wednesday, and I’m sitting in a rocking chair in a dimmly lit room across from a two year-old who will not go to sleep for the life of him. Or, I should say, back to sleep. He was asleep for an hour before some inexplicable thing caused him to wake two hours ago. *sigh* Now, he has his proverbial second wind, partly, I’m sure, due to the newness of me. He doesn’t remember, but I took care of him when he was an infant. Anyway, it’s too dim to read or knit, and he refuses to be cuddled or rocked, so I think I shall get some blogging done.


The Hook

I’ve been neglecting my crochet in favor of my various knitting projects. However, Sandra over at Cherry Heart has started a Blanket Along for the month of March, and that is perfect incentive to pick up my hook again and make some progress on my Magnum Opus. If you’re new or just don’t remember (it’s been a while), my Magnum Opus is an afghan I’m trying to make for my bed. It’s going to be between Full and Queen sized. So far, I am only about a quarter of the way finished with the squares. It’ll be interesting to see how big of a bite I can take out of the remainder.


The Book


Well…here’s where I should say that I’m still reading God For Us. I’d love to say that but the truth is that I’ve hardly touched it this week. I keep meaning to do better and actually read my daily readings, but it never seems to happen. In a way, not being able to do this perfectly (and really, who can?) just highlights for me that I really do need the grace and mercy Jesus gives. There is no way to be perfect on my own…and isn’t that the whole reason He came in the first place?


Embracing The Body is a brand new book by a brand new author, my friend Tara. I have mentoned Tara before. She is a Spiritual Director at Anam Cara Ministries, and I did my Advent retreat with her. This book has been eagerly anticipated, and I’ve been privileged to witness its birth over the past year or so. I’ve only just taken a taste, so to speak, and I can tell that this is a book I will have to read slowly and thoughtfully, savoring each bite. I’m only through the introduction, and already pages are dog-eared and lines are underlined, bracketed, and starred. I think the best way to give you all a peek is to quote the back cover:

 “Our bodies teach us about God, and God communicates to us through out bodies. Our bodies are more good than we can possibly imagine them to be. And yet at times we may struggle with feelings of shame and guilt or even pride in regard to our bodies. What is God trying to do through our skin and bones?

In Embracing The Body, spiritual director Tara Owens invites you to listen to your thoughts about your body in a way that draws you closer to God, calling you to explore how your spirituality is intimately tied to your physicality. Using exercises for reflection at the end of each chapter, she guides you to see your body not as an inconvenience but as a place where you can meet the holy in a new way—a place to embrace God’s glorious intention.”

I’m excited. I’m excited to see what God has for me in the pages of this book…and beyond as we journey through it, He and I.

The Needles


I’m making steady progress on Lexie’s bloom. I’m into the second diamond lace section. Her first birthday is at the end of the month, so I’ve got to have it done by then.

And that about covers it. See you at the Yarn Along!

Have a blessed Wednesday!


PS: Little Rascal finally conked out again around 2 am!

WIP Wednesday: Progress and Periodicals


The Books

I’m continuing to sporadically read God For Us. I wish I was more disciplined in keeping up with my daily readings, but, as I did for Advent, I’m letting go of the need to do this perfectly. I’m enjoying what I am reading. I missed last Friday’s reading and looked back at it yesterday, only to discover that one of the scripture readings was Isaiah 58 — the very same verses I quoted in my post on that same day!


The second “book” is the Winter 2015 issue of Compassion Magazine, the quarterly publication from Compassion International. I’ve been a sponsor with Compassion for nearly 20 years, and I look forward to this magazine coming. It’s filled with wonderful stories of God’s work through Compassion. Every so often, the issue highlights one of the countries where I have a sponsor child, which is an added bonus. 🙂

I’m also spending a lot of time in this book:


More on that later. 😉

The Needles


I’m making great progress on Lexie’s new bloom. I just completed the ribbed bodice and have moved onto the skirt portion. My hands are going to be relieved to be done with all that purling! I love getting to this point in this pattern because the garment takes a more obvious shape.

That about does it for me today. I’ll be linking up with the Yarn Along at Ginny’s. Have a blessed rest of your Wednesday.
