WIP Wednesday: a Color Kabob and a Teaser

Welcome to Wednesday! This week is launch week for my friend Tara’s new bookbook, Embracing The Body! I’m so excited for her! The book’s official release date is this Friday, March 13. In celebration I’ll be interviewing her on the blog that day. I do hope you’ll come back and learn more about Tara and her passion for wholeness. If you have any questions for Tara, let me know in the comments.

In the mean time, it’s WIP Wednesday and time for the link-up at Small Things. I’ve been pretty busy this week!


The Hook

I’ve made a bit of progress on the squares for my Magnum Opus. The official count is 28 squares.


When February turned to March, decided that it was time I changed the decorations outside my front door.  I took down my Winter berry garland and exchanged my snowman doormat for a more Springy one. But, Oh! Does my door look plain now! That must be remedied! So, I started a flower garland using this pattern. I’m trying to somewhat match the colors to my doormat, which is fairly bright.


I wound up with this cute little kabob of color.


I wasn’t intending to make a rainbow, and I may not use all of those colors (not sold on the orange), but they sure are pretty all together like that. I think I need a few more flowers as these are smaller than my bunting triangles and stars.



The Book


Oh my stars! This book! I’m loving it, but I have to admit that I haven’t gotten very far. For me, this book is wonderfully thought-provoking, and I find that I want to read a bit and let it marinate before reading more. The last chapter I read really got me (in a good way) and I had to do some processing before moving on. Processing that may find itself here on the blog. It really is a good book, and I reccomend it highly. But, as LeVar Burton used to say, you don’t have to take my word for it:



The Needles

I’m continuing to make progress on Lexie’s new bloom. I’m into the third diamond lace repeat. It should easily be done by her birthday in two weeks. I can’t believe she’ll be one in just two weeks!


I also cast on a bit of “TV knitting” in the form of these fingerless mitts. I’m just about to the thumb on the first mitt.



That about concludes this edition of WIP Wednesday. Please do come back on Friday for my chat with Tara.

Have a great day!


WIP Wednesday: A Liturgy, A Fantasy, and A Laundry-mussing Monster

Well, hello. Once again, the week has flown by and I am surprised to find that it’s Wednesday already. And speaking of “already,” it’s the 10th! How did it get to be the 10th, and how is there a mere fortnight until Christmas?! Are you all ready? I certainly am not! I don’t even have my tree up yet! I do have a few decorations up though.

So let’s step through my (decorated) front door, and have a nice hot beverage of your choice and a bit of a catch-up, shall we?


The Hook

There really isn’t much to report on this front as my afghan has taken a backseat to my knitting projects. I’m still slowly plugging along.


The Book

Well, I never did get around to consulting Alton about that turkey stock. I just never had the time to be home long enough to babysit a stock. I wonder if there’s a way to make it in my crock pot? Hmm…

I’m still reading Portals of Water and Wine, though I haven’t done much reading in the past week. (Sorry, Rachel.)II As weird as it sounds, I’m actually afraid that I’m going to like it too much and become too engrossed to the detriment of my other projects, like what is currently on my needles and on a deadline. I have a tendency to do that with books. There’s also the slightly trouble of only having it on my tablet and being limited by battery life. Score one for good ol’ books. 🙂

I’m enjoying what I’m reading in God With Us. I’m being true to my word, though, and participating in the Advent retreat first. My scripture readings come daily via email. Additional readings come Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Since today is Wednesday, I’ll probably not read God With Us today.


The Needles

I am just about finished with the apple hat from last week. I just have the leaf left to knit. I also started a new monster. I’m knitting Lurleen the Laundry Monster from The Big Book of Knitted Monsters I’m about halfway up her body. I love seeing these monsters take shape!


That about does it for today. I’m going to link up with Ginny over at Small Things and see what everyone else is up to.

Have a fantastic Wednesday!
