WIP Wednesday: Spiced and Super Secret

It’s a lovely, rainy Wednesday here in the Seattle area. Really, I love days like this! After running a few errands this morning, I’m now snuggled up on my couch with the kitties and looking forward to a night off. I’m also linking up with the Yarn Along over at Ginny’s.

The Hook

Oh! I’ve been busy! I actually got an entire section of my Spice of Life afghan done. Section 4 has just between released, but I’ve just finished Section 2.


It’s so bright and cheerful! My colors are:


I’m trying to choose the next three colors. I can’t quite decide between Orchid, Soft Blue, Soft Pink, Ocean, and Periwinkle.


Whichever colors I choose, I’ll be using for the rest of the blanket. And that’s going to get interesting. I think this is where the “spice” comes in. For the first section, I decided which colors went where. However, for the rest of the blanket, I’m going to be letting Sandra (the designer) decide using my handy dandy list.


There are three more colors Sandra lists in the pattern, thus my indecision. I’ll keep fiddling with my color pegs. Tune in next week to set what l decide.

The Book

Um… Yeah.. Nothing new here. I’m beginning to think my first term at Hogwarts is legitimately going to take a term.


The Needles

My needles have gotten some equal time this week. I’ve decided to knit on the go and crochet at home. However, I can’t tell you about what I’m knitting. It’s a super secret project that will be a gift, and I don’t want to spoil the surprise. I can give you an edited sneak peek.


That’s me knitting at the Verizon store. I had two ladies comment to me that I was smart for bringing my knitting with me. Honestly, it’s rare that I don’t have it with me. It sure makes waiting more fun! Do you bring your crafting with you?

That about does it for this week. The afternoon is growing older, a and its getting to be about my bedtime. Have I mentioned that I work nights?


Have a great rest of your Wednesday!



1 thought on “WIP Wednesday: Spiced and Super Secret

  1. Pingback: WIP Wednesday: Of Babies and Blankets | Slender Threads

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